Hey there!
I hope my waiting set will go live before that but I''m willing to offer you a Christmas' present: a set I made for SG but that I decided finally not to send... I have three. Tell me which one you'd prefer:
1. Natural Bathing
2. Rendez-vous upstairs
3. Monsieur
Tell me which one you want!
And, since I'm speaking of presents, I'd like to explain something about my wishlist... Some people told me I had too much things and too expensive things in it. I'd like to explain them and you in the smae time that I'm not so proud of myself to want people to buy me all these things. It's just that I used to be a shopping/clothes/shoes addict but I haven't any money for that at the moment so I do "virtual shopping". Just putting things in my wishlist makes me feel better, even if I know I won't receive them all, obviously. And all is not soooo expensive. There are even things at less than one euro that can make me happy. I classified them in priority, with the highest for the things I need/would like the most but that doesn't mean the other things won't make me the happiest
Just please tell me if you want to offer me something because the address will change depending on the day and on the thing it is... Thanks with love to everyone who thinks of me this Christmas. I'll think of you!
EDIT after someone asking: to see the priority, just choose priority high to low in sorted by
I hope my waiting set will go live before that but I''m willing to offer you a Christmas' present: a set I made for SG but that I decided finally not to send... I have three. Tell me which one you'd prefer:
1. Natural Bathing

2. Rendez-vous upstairs

3. Monsieur

Tell me which one you want!
And, since I'm speaking of presents, I'd like to explain something about my wishlist... Some people told me I had too much things and too expensive things in it. I'd like to explain them and you in the smae time that I'm not so proud of myself to want people to buy me all these things. It's just that I used to be a shopping/clothes/shoes addict but I haven't any money for that at the moment so I do "virtual shopping". Just putting things in my wishlist makes me feel better, even if I know I won't receive them all, obviously. And all is not soooo expensive. There are even things at less than one euro that can make me happy. I classified them in priority, with the highest for the things I need/would like the most but that doesn't mean the other things won't make me the happiest

EDIT after someone asking: to see the priority, just choose priority high to low in sorted by

Monsieur. Thats my vote. As for someone saying your wishlist is to expensive.... screw them. Its called a wish-list for a reason.
