I may be wrong, but I wonder if some OF creators may have unrealistic expectations. If lots of ppl are buying your $30 ppv videos, then kudos to you. However, I'm guessing that most ppl cant keep buying endlessly at that price. I want to support multiple creators, but it's not feasible if the ppv prices are too high. Mainstream porn site is around $30...
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This is one reason I always thought it was better to have a lil higher sub price with more content and 0 ppv but that's just my opinion.

RUST #1! An indy classic. Penciled by one of my oldest and bestest friends in the entire world (and roommate at the time) @mkhuddleston and inked by me way back in 1996. Yikes. We had fun, though!

Mr. Bungle’s first album constantly bumping through the apartment as one of our most critical soundtracks.

Our payment for all of this hard work?

Zero dollars, kids.

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blog post by holdensolo

Location - Freelance Whales

I am starting to sense your location
You are somewhere in the attic
Looking something close to tragic
Knitting T-shirts and your mattress
I'm floating up the stairwell
With my toes grazing the cedar
Thinking softly, what a tinder box we live in
And what a flammable heart I've been given

You could be in several different places
I am sensing
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Most exceptionnal set environnement for a set, wonderfull photo

sk8tpark in a church @erissa

This remind me the concert taking place every year in a church during Wave Gothik Treffen in Leipzig, that was so intense I was close to cry during the concert

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SO, just the random update. Still alive and well in Arizona. Just so fucking busy. Like I seriously wish I had more time in the day, week, month, to get things done.

I have been very busy with the paper, still the News Editor, and still able to get as many concerts in as possible behind the camera. Started off the year with Innings Fest...
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@sweetginger "Remember the Future" by @menta


@aliese & @fla "Les Amoureux" by @babu


@ninaleudo "Cute in the kitchen" by @nat

@pesdusa "Industrial tights" by Pesdusa herself

@linedias "Purity of the Water" by @guibproducoes

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Pulled the first of 3 beds of garlic today. Good results so far! Should have 100+bulbs to dry and last until this time next year! 🧄🧄🧄😃😃😃😋😋😋

So soon, ours is coming along nicely but still a month away from harvest
Congratulations on your harvest 🧄🧄🧄

Today’s SG date stamp says: 22 8 30

22 + 8 - 30 = 0 eep! Its midnight! We’ve run out of time! Soooooooooo Bewitching 😵💫

🎶 annnd… speaking of Zero, here come a pioneering alternative folkrock classic from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes


Ask me why I was learning Martial Arts even two months ago and I’d give a very different answer to today. Recent events have switched my thinking from simple fitness and exercise to actual self defence. Both in terms of work and out on the street, London is feeling more dangerous these days. And I’d like to know how to defend myself before I actually...
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