
#skeletor #ballpoint #sketchbook #evil #metal #castlegrayskull #heman #mastersoftheuniverse #villain #psychedelic #visualfunk #foodone #jimmahfood

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blog post by car_a_carn

In a hotel room listening to killer metal, sinking some beers and shots, getting fired up to see Karnivool in a few hours 🤘 cheers SG 🍻

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blog post by abashima

Do you enjoy movies that spend 1% of their budget on script and 99% on SFX? Then may I recommend Atlas, which is so thunderously stupid from the first five minutes that I wonder who it was made for. Teenagers? Idiots? Teenaged idiots? Plus, a lot seems to have been cut that would have otherwise explained things that are missing. Still, it’s silly fun if...
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She wished away her mind. The Sudden touch that changed everything for her. In a moment of complete insanity, she felt herself. This absolute WILD child as she sat there, squirming back and forth. Her mind unglued and a bit unhinged at the thoughts running around in her head.

She could not close her eyes, not even for a second. As the vivid sights of...
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blog post by mblade71

It's a day early here, but I just wanted to tell all of my LGBTQIA+ sisters, brothers, and everyone in between that you are seen, you are valid, and you are amazing. Keep on shining, my rainbow friends <3

Thank you ♥️
@eisesara thank YOU! <3 <3

Just got back from my trip from Northeast Cali to visit a friend for his Bday. Just got home after a 5 and half hour drive back home…

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I love to catch surprise and smile from girls

Good food is a perfect route for good feeling, good chat and other

Sometime i cook special dish, sometime go out in my restaurants friends

Everytime is different

Like every girl

(catalana in italy, my city)

He's my model, I try to sometime the same kind of styling but it's much harder than it seems !!!