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Hello there!

This week we are having a contest for the members! I hope everybody is familiar with the "remix albums"! If not thats okay I'll show you!

Just click on "PICS" at the top of your page!

Then the "REMIXES" tab.

Yeah so easy! I know we rarely feature …

I've made more albums! lol I know I can't win twice though. lol

but if you would like to check them out you can type my name 'Cordee' under the search tab in the remixes section and give them a look see.


- C

These are soooo cool and I am loving the people putting forth the effort to do them. They are sooo fun and turn out so beautiful as a whole album. Cant wait to veiw the next sets.....and congrats to all the winners thus far!

Okay, to prove I'm not completely useless, I caught the hints. So here you go, new members. Say hello, tell us what you ride, and where you ride it.

hey guys!
Ive been riding bikes for few years (maybe like 5?) and have had quite a few different ones over the years! but here is what i currrently ride:

*Custom built soma smoothie w/ shimano 105 parts/carbon fork/etc-my weekend/recreational road bike

*Bianchi Eros road bike-kinda my grocery getter/bar bike that i feel comfortable locking up (sf has horrible bike theft issues)

*NJS Bridgestone track bike/fixed gear

*shitty raleigh mtb

*shitty SE single speed -bar bike

the gf says i have to much bike shit for our little studio apt, but i say we should get rid of the couch or coffee table to make some room for more! biggrin
good to meet you guys!
Remind your girlfriend that the perfect number of bikes is x+1, x being the number of bikes you have at any given time.

And welcome, all y'all!

Okay, so it's time to wake this place up.

Welcome back to SG:Medical Marijuana! This group kinda slogged to a halt a while back, and the good, wise folks at SG have decided to allow me to wake it.

I have been a cannabis activist, author, researcher and educator for …


Most people just call me Weed! I have Lyme Diesies and it can be painful during the winter months. I have my own strain I grow for pain management. It's a cross strain of Kentucky Northern Lights and California Indica. It's a creative high and a very affective strain for pain management. Living in Kentucky I call it my Bluegrass Strain!


Hey y’all, Smokey here. Been smoking marijuana for a long time, only in the past few years I been a medical marijuana patient in the state of Massachusetts. I smoke daily, flower n dab pens. I like to smoke to help with chronic pain, I’ve always smoked it to help with depression n more recently a couple years ago I was finally diagnosed with Bi polar 1 disorder. So after all those years all the depression and manic episodes finally made sense to me and marijuana had always helped. I am a very firm believer that marijuana can help with so much! Well any of y’all can toss me a DM if you want to know more or have a Stoner to virtually smoke with. Peace y’all ✌️

Blogs (12)View All

The weather is finally getting better, its raining and im so happy. one because its not snow and two because i love the rain! Starting an airbrush of Cordee this wensday hoping it comes out looking half as good as she does.
all my mixes.



- C
I think I am going to start a 365 album on my flickr.

umm...starting January 19th. random day. I know. It has no significance.

- C
I'm gonna start my 365 album early. like...yesterday. lol

January 6th 2010-January 6th 2011. Let's see if I can actually keep this up..


- C
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