@belladonna quicly surely not, it's already a real challenge to do the driving license because of smartphones and tablets during lessons. I am in contact with handicap responsible for that. Then I will need AT LEAST 1 month to install the new truck. I'm thinking about 1 side that can go down to make a dancefloor for SBK outdoor events.
ooh, nice!! keep updating us here about this process🖤
Among the waves
that crash on the rocks,
shiny scales
in the depths of the abyss,
with my eyes closing
and their teeth on my throat

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
Tra le onde
che si infrangono sugli scogli,
scaglie lucenti
si muovono
nelle profondità degli abissi,
con i miei occhi che si chiudono
e i suoi denti sulla mia gola

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
The sound
of the waves,
with the notes of a song,
and in a beat of wings
They drags me into the abyss

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva
Il suono
delle onde,
si mescolano
con le note di una canzone,
e in un battito d’ali
mi trascina negli abissi

Poem (C): Me
All the rights of the images, effects and GIF belong to their respective owners.
Made by Creative Cloud Express: Design and Canva

Lighting The Way - Superdrag

I've been lighting the way
with bridges burning low now.
I've been wasting the days
like living's going out of style now.
I've been up every night,
walking down the highway.
if I can make things right,
I'm gonna do it my way.

Send it straight to you.
Like you put a price on everything you do.
Like a song
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We have been challenged by @eisesara in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month: "I ask everyone, member and model, to post or comment on at least one person’s page. Tell them what you like about them and why they are important. I also suggest everyone post a blog, tell us three things, name something you are proud of about yourself. Tell us what you do...
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Today was Jessie's birthday! If you didn't know this she was my girlfriend in 2021 into 2022 and we were engaged and planning a wedding. She was involved in automobile accident on her way home from work and she didn't survive. Anyway I go visit her at the cemetery and take her flowers on her birthday and Christmas. Several times a year I just find...
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